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Finetuning Mistral 7B

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    Roanak Baviskar

Mistral 7B is a newly released LLM that outperforms previous state of the art LLMs of larger size (e.g. Llama 2 13B) on many benchmarks. Here we show you how you can create your own finetune of this model on your own chat data and serve it using LLM-ATC.


Finetuning starting from the pretrained Mistral7B model is as simple as defining MODEL_BASE='mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1'. We can use a chat finetuning dataset so we can use --model_type vicuna

llm-atc train --model_type vicuna --finetune_data \
./my_chat_data.json --name mymistral \
--checkpoint_bucket my-trainy-bucket --checkpoint_store S3 \
-c mycluster --cloud gcp --accelerator A100:8 \
--envs "MODEL_BASE='mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1' HF_TOKEN=<hugging_face_token>"

This command in particular will save the finetuned model checkpoints into s3://my-trainy-bucket/mymistral/.


Serving a Mistral 7B model is the same as it is for Llama 2 on LLM-ATC. All you have to do is specify the location of the model checkpoint. Following the finetuning example above, we have for serving:

llm-atc serve --name llm-atc \
--source s3://my-trainy-bucket/mymistral \
--accelerator A100:1 -c servecluster --cloud gcp --region asia-southeast1

To query the endpoint, we can use

# get the ip of the host machine
ip=$(sky status --ip servecluster)

# check that the model is loaded
curl http://$(sky status --ip servecluster):8000/v1/models

We can also use the OpenAI API to do a chat completion

import openai

# to get proper authentication, make sure to use a valid key that's listed in
# the --api-keys flag. if no flag value is provided, the `api_key` will be ignored.
openai.api_key = "EMPTY"
openai.api_base = "http://<YOUR ENDPOINT IP>:8000/v1"

model = "llm-atc"
prompt = "Once upon a time"

# create a completion
completion = openai.Completion.create(model=model, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=64)
# print the completion
print(prompt + completion.choices[0].text)

# create a chat completion
completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    model=model, messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello! Who are you?"}]
# print the completion